The largest of their kind: 18 photos of animals XXL

 A xxl series that presents the biggest animals and insects in their class and species

Coconut Crab able to break coconuts with its claws to the biggest dog in the world named George (110 kilos for 1 meter high at the withers) through Titan beetle and its 17 inches long: mastodons that it is best left 
alone. Not to mention Heteropoda Maxima, this spider with a wingspan up to 25 inches

animal giant 01
animal giant 02
animal giant 03
animal giant 04
animal giant 05
animal giant 07
animal giant 06animal giant 08Monster Pig

animal giant 010
animal giant 011
animal giant 015
animal giant 016
animal giant 014
animal giant 012animal giant 013
animal giant 017animal giant 018
