30 Parents Who Are Seriously Winning At Texting

: This mom who only want to have fun

funny texting

2 : This mom who can be a female riddler

funny texting

: This never growing up dad

funny texting

: this way smarter mom

funny texting

: This clearly not a graduate mom

funny texting

: This dad who inst really paying attention

funny texting

: This mom who is a god in pranks

funny texting

 : This awesome mom

funny texting

: This always there dad

funny texting

 : This hipster mom

funny texting

 : This mom who clearly is the wicked witch of the west

funny texting

 : This cool humor mom

funny texting

 : This mom who just gets it

funny texting

 : This playing with fire dad

funny texting

 : This guilt free dad

funny texting

 : This take no attitude mom

funny texting

 : This shameless mom

funny texting

 : This one shot killer

funny texting

: This obviously watching too much CSI dad

funny texting

: This awesome teacher mom

funny texting

 : This OMG dad

funny texting

 : This dad who honestly just gave his son what he was begging for

funny texting

: The coolest mom ever

funny texting

 : This obviously still in college dad

funny texting

 : This dad who just telling it like it is

funny texting

 : This king of the BURNSSSSSS dad

funny texting

 : This cool dad

funny texting

 : This hot soccer mom

funny texting

 : This insomniac dad

funny texting